List Your Home
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Our policy is always to provide our clients with our honest professional opinion prior to accepting a listing with a client. We don’t believe in telling potential sellers what they would like to hear just for the sake of business. We believe that practice breaks down communication and causes confusion in the transaction. We provide honest price opinions based on facts, we also provide honest assessments on your home and what repairs should or should not be made.
We believe trust is the most important factor in every relationship but especially in real estate. Owning a property is normally your largest and most important asset next to family. We treat the transaction and relationship that way. Our agents don’t make statements they don’t believe they can deliver on and don’t tell you they are going to compete a task and not follow through.
Our agents pride ourselves the most by being trained on having excellent listening skills. Listening to our clients goals and needs and delivering on those is always the major objective for our agents.
Our pride and joy is our marketing efforts we utilize to list and sale your home for the maximum price in the shortest amount of time. We use multiple internet platforms. We also list your home as one of our featured properties on the home page of our fast growing website for buyers to view in the Dallas area. Our site is optimized to provide data over mobile platforms such as Android and Apple tablets and phones. One House Realty’s mobile platform will place your listing in the hands of every buyer with a tablet or cell phone. Our mobile application allows buyers to view your home with detailed information such as price, size, and even view our professional photographs of your home.
Our agents are trained to be master negotiators when its time to take offers on your property. Buyers in some situations will attempt to offer less for your home than the market value and that is where our negotiation skills come into play. Our listing normally don’t have to go through negotiations due to the fact that we market the property aggressively and price it correctly. Our agents are trained to welcome the healthy competition that comes with negotiating with a buyers agent.
If you are thinking about selling your home then you must have a great mind because we are thinking about selling your home to. They saying does go “Great Minds Think Alike” Fill out our “Ready To Sale” form or contact us via phone to discuss your goals for your home.[/cs_text][cs_custom_headline data=”eyJjb250ZW50IjoiRnJlZSBIb21lIENvbnN1bHRhdGlvbiIsImxldmVsIjoiaDQiLCJsb29rc19saWtlIjoiaDQiLCJ0ZXh0X2NvbG9yIjoiIiwiYWNjZW50IjoiZmFsc2UiLCJpZCI6IiIsIl90eXBlIjoiY3VzdG9tLWhlYWRsaW5lIiwiZWxlbWVudHMiOltdLCJjbGFzcyI6Im12bCIsInN0eWxlIjoiIiwiZXh0cmEiOiIgY2xhc3M9XCJtdmxcIiJ9″][cs_text]The value of your home has most certainly changed since you bought it and if you are thinking about selling it! Take a few seconds to fill out the form below and we’ll prepare an expert market analysis of your home at no cost![/cs_text]